
PitbullHero is a not-for-profit research group dedicated to promoting effective and equitable breed-neutral policies for public safety and providing dog bite-related information based on scientific studies and other reliable sources. Our mission is to end discrimination against dogs labeled as "pitbulls" and to promote the responsible ownership of all dogs, regardless of appearance or breed, which ultimately benefits all people, all dogs, and all communities.

Key Facts

Facts about dogs labeled as "pitbulls" including information about breeds, dog bites, statistics, scientific studies, and BSL (breed-specific legislation).

"Pitbull" Explained

The term "pitbull" includes four unique breeds, many different pitbull-type mixes, and other breeds and mixes that can be labeled as "pitbulls" due to their appearance.

Repeal BSL

Information about BSL (breed-specific legislation / bans) and guidance on how to repeal BSL if it's still unfortunately enacted in your community.


Check out our official merchandise including t-shirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, and more. 100% of the store's earnings go towards supporting PitbullHero.


Our flagship site packed with facts and information about pitbull-type dogs and dog bite-related data and statistics from scientific studies and other reliable sources.


While we are a nonprofit group, we are not a 501(c)(3) charity. Therefore, we do not ask for donations - to support us, you can follow and share us on social media. Purchasing some merch also helps!

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